Health experts call for more tax on high calorie junk food

Rebuking garbage sustenance for heart ailments, diabetes, stroke, malignancy and numerous different illnesses, wellbeing specialists have recommended that more duty be required on these nourishments.

They have encouraged the administration likewise to limit notices of these sustenances with unhealthy, salt and sugar, contrasting these with tobacco.

They made the interest at an exchange titled, 'Additional charge on Undesirable Nourishments like Tobacco: Important Strides' at the National Squeeze Club in Dhaka on Monday.

At the discourse, sorted out by Work for Better Bangladesh (WBB), nourishments like burgers, singed rice, French fries, chips, soda pops and caffeinated beverages were distinguished as garbage sustenance.

Mostafa Zaman, an official working for the World Wellbeing Association in Bangladesh, said, "The garbage sustenance organizations will must be compelled to pay more duty however keep their item costs the same. This cash can be utilized to treat patients influenced by non-transferable maladies."

Ibrahim Restorative School specialist Abu Sayeed said extra charge on garbage sustenance ought to be more than that on tobacco.

WBB distributed an exploration report, 'Notice of Undesirable Nourishment and Its Antagonistic Impacts on General Wellbeing', at the program.

As indicated by the report, 61 percent of Bangladesh's populace is influenced by non-transmittable sicknesses (NCD).

Control of tobacco is getting need while the propensity for eating unfortunate nourishment is being neglected, it said.

Dr Sayeed said, "similar maladies can be brought about by both tobacco and garbage sustenance. Along these lines, a wellbeing duty ought to be forced on them."

BIRDEM Healing facility lab executive Shuvagato Chowdhury said something not logically demonstrated could be appeared in commercials.

He called for solid observing of a wide range of promotion, particularly on television.


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